Do I need a Safety Report?
As an Owners Corporation it is essential that you be aware of the likely hazards and associated risks you are obliged to control under your Common Law Duty of Care and the Work, Health and Safety Act legislation if applicable in your State.
WHS Reports - Safety Reports (known as OHS Reports in Victoria)
Safety Reports are sometimes called WHS Reports, OHS Reports, Duty of Care Reports and the like. In essence, each are similar in that the purpose of a Safety Report is to identify any risk of harm to people or potential damage to property from both a Common Law Duty of Care and a WHS legislative requirement.
Safety obligations
A property has to be without risks to the health and safety of any person. Our Work, Health and Safety Inspections take a practical and sensible approach to dealing with and recommending the best treatment of any hazards and any likely risks associated with those hazards.
Legislative obligations
For NSW, and the ACT, our Safety Report addresses your general obligations under the respective Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and your Common Law Duty of Care.
Types of Hazards
Some of the typical hazards can be identified in a number of broad categories and these hazards include, trip, fall, electrical, protrusion, slip, amongst many others.
Proper Risk Assessment
We carry out a separate and proper Risk Assessment of each identified hazard so that you can more easily prioritise your resources.
Our Safety Report is NOT a current standards compliance report where every structure and item has to be brought up to the current Building Code of Australia standards. Our Safety Reports focus on genuine hazards and risks to people and property.
Ordering a Safety Report
When we receive your instructions we will
- physically carry out an inspection of the property
- take a practical and flexible approach to control measures to either eliminate or minimise any hazard
- prioritise risk by carrying out a proper Risk Assessment for each identified hazard so that the Owners can decide which hazards should be rectified first
- carry out a visual inspection of the electrical board if access is provided on the day of inspection, although we are not electrical engineers
- provide colour photographs, the location and description of any hazards that are identified on the subject property
- provide a thorough explanation within our WHS Report
Further Services
In addition to carrying out Work Health and Safety Reports including 'Common Law Duty of Care' Reports (WHS and OHS), we also assess and prepare Asbestos Registers and Asbestos Management Plans, Sinking Fund Plans, Reserve Fund Plans and Maintenance Fund Plans, Building Insurance Valuations, and Common Property Repair and Maintenance Reports.
Turnaround time and fees
Our normal turnaround time is around 3 to 7 business days, and we beat any competitor's quote (on the same basis).